Reiki means Universal Energy and so the only important things that can restrict the effectiveness of this treatment are the choice of the client or the openness of the practitioner to its miraculous potential for healing. I ensure that you will receive its maximum potential so the rest is entirely within your wish.

It is worth mentioning Divine Timing, in that the conscious mind in what it wants to achieve from the universe is not always aware of why any other part of the self considers it inappropriate. Often universal energy will ensure that the awareness is opened out to see other aspects that need healing before the desire of the conscious mind can be met. This does not mean that the treatment is ineffective, simply that healing will go to the part that needs it first whilst respecting the whole individual’s will.

You will get the most out of your treatment if you hold the attitude of joyful surrender in your conscious mind and allow the divine wisdom and grace to flow.

Treatments can be for 30, 60 or 90 minutes.

Conditions that can be helped by


  1. Bullet All things are possible


